Cyclones: The cyclone has a tangential inlet which gives the gas flow rotating movement whereby the dust particles are driven towards the envelop surface where they are screwed down. Aerovent cyclones are supplied in MS Sheet/stainless steel/ MS with FRP lined construction aerovent cyclones available in AVCA & AVCH type depending up on collection efficiency.
Wet Scrubbers: Aerovent wet controller is a low pressure, high efficiency collector for coarse dust which settles in water rapidly. The efficiency is as high as 95% particle size up to 5 micron. It is without water circulating pump.
Bag Filter: Aerovent bag filter contains a number of hose made of textile material. The dust laden air/gas is passed through the walls of the hoses from inside to outside or outside to inside. The dust us deposited as a layer on the inside/outdoor of the hoses. The dust is dislodged to the dust hopper by shaking/reverse high pressure jet of air. It can be of two types: Low ratio bag filters & High ratio bag filters.
Product Code : 02
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